MESSIER 35 & NGC 2158

Open Clusters in Gemini

 (ra: 06:08.9 / dec + 24:20)




September 2010, Gouin - Buenos Aires, Argentina





TYPE: Open Cluster

VISUAL MAGNITUDE: 5.3 (M35) & 8.6 (NGC 2158)

SIZE: 28 arc minutes (M35) & 5 arc minutes (NGC 2158)

DISTANCE: 2.800 light years (M35) & 11200 light years (NGC 2158) 



Messier 35 is a very rich open cluster in the Constellation of Gemini. Is a young cluster of 150 millions years old, with 2800 stars spreading about 30 light years across. In contrast with M35 we also have in the image NGC 2158 an older and more compact open cluster. (*)

The two make a very nice couple and is considered an attractive object for astro photographers, particularly for the chaps of the North Hemisphere

A very good target for binoculars and smaller telescopes.


The night was not very good in terms of seeing. In addition the object was tracked after reaching 20 degrees from the horizon, so extinction factors were playing their role and were attacked with processing. This is the first light of the Orion UK optics. I am very pleased with the optics.





SCOPE: 6" Orion UK Optics at f5

SKY CONDITIONS: Good transparency but some street lights gradients. Regular seeing.

CAMERA: QSI 583 WS -15Cº

FILTERS: Astronomik Type 2, Ha 6nm

EXPOSURES: LRGB (20,20,20,20)

GUIDING: Synta 70/400 refractor. Starlight Xpress Lodestar Camera. AA 3.71 Control Camera Plug-in

PROCESSING: No darks, nor flats, nor offsets. Images Plus (Sigma Median Combination) CCD Sharp Richardson Lucy Deconvolution Photoshop CS