NGC 2244, 2237-9, 2246


Center at (ra: 06:32.4 / dec +04:52)







TYPE Cluster associated with nebulosity

MAGNITUDE: NGC 2244 4.8  (m_v)
SIZE: 80 x 60 arc minutes

DISTANCE: 5500 light years



The Rosetta Nebula is a complex of dust and gas that spans 50 light years across. It is quite big... more than 1 degree, or something like 4 moons. The area covered by the SXV M7 in this picture is roughly 110 x 80 arcs minutes. We can see many NGC objects as 2237, 2238, 2239, and 2246. Inside the nebula, lies an open cluster of bright young stars designated as NGC 2244. The young stars recently formed from the nebula's material, and the brightest of which make the nebula shine by exciting its atoms to emit radiation. Star formation is still in progress in this vast cloud of interstellar matter.

We are testing the Jupiter 200 mm focal length f4. This is a nice old Russian lens for wide field shots and gives a nice FOV for the SXV M7 Camera. There were some artifacts with the CLS filter so the 20 minutes shots were rejected. The lens was stoped at f5.6 to get more definition and sharpness in the image. The rig can be seen  here



LENS: Jupiter 50 / 200 mm f4

MOUNT: Vixen GPDX with Sky Sensor 2000

GUIDING: Orion ED 80 SXV Guide Camera


SKY CONDITIONS: Visual limit magnitude 4

CAMERA: Starlight Xpress SXV7 at @ f5.6

FILTERS: Astronomik Type II, Astronomik CLS

EXPOSURES: HaRGB (36,10,10,10)

PROCESSED: Darks, bias in Images Plus, Photoshop CS




Jupiter M21 Lens 200 mm f4

Piggy Back - SXV M7