NGC 5189 - MUSCA
(ra: 13.33,5/ dec -65:59)
April 12th 2009, Home Backyard in Martinez, Buenos Aires, Argentina
TYPE: Planetary Nebula
Apparent Magnitude: 10
Apparent Diameter: 2,6 arc minutes
DISTANCE: 3000 lights years (estimated)
SCOPE: Celestron C8 SCT working at f6 (roughly)
GUIDING: William Optics Zenithstar 66 with WO 0.8 x fr/ff
IMAGE ACQUISITION: AstroArt 3.0 - Control Interface 3.72 plug in
FILTERS: Astronomik Type II - Astronomik Ha 6 nm - Atik Filter Wheel
SKY CONDITIONS: transparency and seeing regular / almost full moon
EXPOSURES: LHaRGB (20.20,20,20,20)
PROCESSING: Maxim SD Mask, Images Plus, CCD Sharp, Photoshop CS2
This is a fine Planetary Nebula in the Constellation of Musca. Located at an apparent distance of roughly 3 degrees from the Crux's Coal Sack border. It has a peculiar diamond figure with a snake shape structure inside. What called my attention is that is almost vertical to the Right Ascension Axis. (the CCD was following RA and Dec axis). Visible with 8 inches telescopes in relatively dark skies. It was first observed by James Dunlop in 1826 and in 1835 observed by John Herschel.
The night was reasonable good but the moon was at its 90% stage. The background is full of stars. It should be possible to show some more dim ones but the transparency was not that good. Nevertheless the H9 and the C8 combination performed an acceptable job considering the time invested on this beautiful object.