NGC 5367 &  IC 4347  (AKA CG12)

Cometary Globule in Centaurus

(Image Centered at ra: 13:58 / dec -40º 02')





February 2012, Complejo La Aldea in Villa de Merlo

San Luis, Argentina




TYPE: Cometary Globule

V mag: NA

SIZE: approximate FOV 120 x 85 arc minutes

DISTANCE: 630 pc




Centaurus offers nearly all type of objects !! In this case we took the opportunity to spend some time collecting photons on this particularly nebula.

The whole structure is known as CG 12. In its head presents two bright nebulas are visible: NGC 5367 and IC 4347. This Globule is located particularly high with respect the galactic plane; about 200 pc above.


Commentary Globules are dynamic structures formed by cold molecular clouds and hot ionized stars. Typically the head of the globule face intense radiation stars and boils lower density gas and intense stellar winds. The winds are formed from the ionized stars that evaporate dust and gas away from the head. (*) 




SCOPE: William Optics ZenithStar 66 working at f4.8

MOUNT: Sky Watcher NEQ6

SKY CONDITIONS: Transparency and seeing good

CAMERA: QSI 583 WS -10Cº

FILTERS: 31 mm  Baader LRGB set

EXPOSURES: LRGB (80,30,30,30) RGB bin 2x2

GUIDING: Celestron SCT 8" working at f10 Starlight Xpress Lodestar Camera. PHD Guiding

PROCESSING: Images Plus (Dark substraction Sigma Median Combination); CCD Sharp; NASA Photoshop Fits Liberator, Photoshop CS


(*) Robert Gendler: comment on CG4